Hi!! The concept of this page is just to update on my daily life with you, nothing more nothing less.

Not sure at all if it'll be daily entries, but if anything fun happens,I'll definitely update!

April 25th, 2023

IT IS FINALLY OUR ONE YEAR!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Not gonna type much here because the proper letter is on the front page already!! BUT STILL, WORTH THE CELEBRATIIING!! I'm still waiting for you to return from school in not looooong at all!

April 21st, 2023

YOU FOUND FIREBUGS!! And kept them as pets!! It's absolutely adorable, they're so cute little silly doodles poodles!!

I wonder what you'll name them! I can't wait to see how the three bug buddies will get on. (Update: 2 bug buddies..) I think that's about all that happened today, SOOO

Byebye! All my love.

April 19th, 2023

It is currently exactly 10:00 am, and I am waiting for you to come home in a few hours!! We're supposed to continue chainsaw man today, and I really hope we do, I enjoyed watching Bud Dads with you a ton so I'm glad you wanna catch up on more anime with me!!

Well, I already read the entirety of chainsaw man, and still read updates. So I have to fight myself to not spoil anything for you kekekek... I love this manga to death, so I really hope you enjoy the awesome anime adaptation just as much.

If something happens, I'll update more later.. For now, Alls okay.

April 18th, 2023

Today we watched a movie!! We rewatched batman together and then we tried starting chainsaw man.. Keyword tried.. We watched perfectly half of the first episode and you had to go to bed kekeke.. But it's okay!! I hope we can continue tomorrow.

Nothing much happened today really, you start school tomorrow, and I'm still sick.. What can one do right!

Other than that, I can't wait to get back to drawing this week, I've been feeing sooo unmotivated..